Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Best Reason to Practice

Tuesday, August 14, 2012:

Today's T'ai Chi Chih practice was post-work, in the yard, with Namaste and Lucy present. It felt wonderfully delicious to release the tension and strain from my mind and muscles. Near the end of practice Frances pulled into the yard after finishing her job as a poll-worker for the Town of Russell.

The time had come to be done with my practice as dusk was falling (all too soon).

Wednesday, August 15, 2012:

After my fast-paced errand day I segued into TCC practice before bed. My musical accompaniment was a light rain falling outside the bedroom window. What a relief to end my long, fast-moving day with some minutes of deep relaxation and deep presence. This moment only. This moment now.

Thursday, August 16, 2012:

I began today with a headache (dairy-induced, I believe, since I'm so enamored with cucumber soup of late). It was wonderful to practice with the class since group energy is typically powerful and potent.

Since the morning was cool and breezy I encouraged the group to focus on keeping well-grounded as we moved. After a slightly brisk circle practice, we followed up with a hot cup of tea and discussion about Justin Stone's article, "The Best Reason to Practice" (from Spiritual Odyysey).

Last week the class talked about habit energies and this week's reading went even further as Justin described his understanding of Karma and confirmed that T'ai Chi Chih practice is one of the easiest and fastest ways to "burn the Karmic seeds" and allow habit energies to fade. Group members discussed ways in which they have changed over the course of their TCC experience.

And, as one student commented about her mental rehearsal of TCC while out sailing on Lake Superior, she thought she might be able to calm the waters, but she realized that she could certainly calm herself....

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