Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off on an Adventure We Go ...

Frances and I are off on an adventure tomorrow morning. It's nothing, I suppose, compared to the travel to Hong Kong that two of my T'ai Chi Chih students are experiencing right now. Still, anytime I get out of my daily routine I'm presented with an opportunity to experience life in a new, fresh way. So, hi ho, hi ho, it's off to the Twin Cities we go....

Today was travel prep day. In addition, we spent most of the afternoon talking with our computer repair guy about strategies for keeping our grey-haired computer (purchased in 2004) running for as long as possible. As bedtime approached I took some time for my T'ai Chi Chih practice. It felt wonderful to become quiet and slow for a half-hour.

Now it's time to catch a few winks before we head off to socialize and be extroverts for several days. It's tiring for lifelong introverts to be so social, but we'll handle it somehow in order to catch up with old friends, attend a music performance, and deal with life--and driving--in the Big City.

I'll keep up with my TCC practice and blog while we're away and that will help me to stay peaceful and calm no matter what occurs each day.

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