Saturday, March 24, 2012

Healing Opportunities

Following several days of fog and cool temperatures (including this morning), our afternoon brought mostly clear skies and sunshine. I took the opportunity to practice seated T'ai Chi Chih outside on the front step with the goose and the dog standing and sitting nearby.

It was a welcome break from the politicking and strategy meetings that Frances is engaged in with her bid to run for a supervisor position on the Russell Town Board. I focused on letting the politics, the language, and the emotions wash off of me as I moved into my senses. I soaked in the warm sunshine as it touched my skin. I noticed Lucy's beauty as she gracefully extended one foot and leg and ruffled her feathers, I listened for the movement of animals in the forest, I breathed.

Now more than ever I need the still, quiet atmosphere and perspective that comes from engaging in my T'ai Chi Chih practice at least once daily. I need to wrap myself in peace and loving kindness. I need to remember that there is always an opportunity for healing and growth in the most unlikely of circumstances.

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