Sunday, December 18, 2011

Soooo Good

Today was another relaxed, slow-moving day. Thank goodness! It felt wonderful to take several days to replenish my energy, relax, read, cook, pay bills ... and not run hither and yon like a--you guessed it!--chicken with her head cut off.

I discovered this morning that I lost my Medic Alert bracelet yesterday. I assume it happened while I was loading, sledding, unloading, carrying, and stacking firewood from a dead maple that Frances cut down the day before. Today I retraced my steps into, and back out of the woods, but had no success finding one thin, light, sliver of titanium lying among the weeds and grasses.

It's at times like this that I realize how vulnerable I am; without that one tidbit of information, "Diabetic," circling my arm it's unclear whether I'd receive appropriate medical care if I were found unconscious or wandering randomly (and, of course, I've experienced both situations). So, it's time for a reorder.

I did my T'ai Chi Chih practice today before my editing client called. It was a fantastic way to put myself in a relaxed, comfortable frame of mind for our phone session. I positioned myself in the porch within view of Lucy, the goose (in order to keep her company), and flowed through the movements as sunlight seeped into the woods, shone through the window, and warmed my face. Oh, it felt sooooo good.

Now, as the light of day fades into twilight I remind myself that this week is winter solstice. By mid-week the light will begin to return and day-by-day the darkness will gradually recede. It's a hopeful, happy thought....

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