Friday, December 2, 2011

Comfort and Coziness

I feel kinda wordless right now. I spent much of the afternoon working on my editing project and, as a result, there are no words left for me to express myself (sometimes struggling to find just the right word or phrase can be a challenging--and exhausting--process).

I did get out of the house today and spent over an hour carrying and stacking firewood. That activity is so good for me; it keeps my body moving and allows me to sweat out toxins and breathe in clean, fresh air.

In the fall it's important that I reset my internal body clock to recognize when it's time to restock firewood in the wood stove. If I wait too long, the fire dies down to the point where it needs to be restarted; if I don't wait long enough, I overload the stove to the point where the wood burns too hot and/or too fast. It's a delicate balancing act.

I did my evening T'ai Chi Chih practice in front of said wood stove as I watched flames leap and dance while I, too, did my own special Chi dance. It felt comforting and cozy to sink into the warmth of the stove . . .  the room . . .  the practice.

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