Friday, November 18, 2011

Moving into Health

Yes, I am feeling better. Frances and I took a walk this afternoon for the first time in about three weeks ... it felt good to move my body! I asked Frances if she could tell that I'm improving because I'm back to joking around and playing word games.

It was bit warmer today (warmer than the 20-somethings we've experienced this week) so the chicken and goose spent the day outside. I, on the other hand, stayed inside and worked diligently on my editing project. Two whole chapters completed! It may not sound like much but it felt like a huge accomplishment to me. I've made it through 14 chapters; I now have four chapters, an epilogue, appendices, and a full re-reading left to go.

To reward myself, I launched into my T'ai Chi Chih practice after I got up from the table and straightened my hunched over back. I moved slowly ... no where to go, nothing to do. By practice end I felt thoroughly refreshed.  Tomorrow? More editing. Another T'ai Chi Chih practice. And ... ?

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