Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hibernate or Practice ... Practice Before Hibernating?

I didn't sleep well last night and, in addition, I was up early. By the time my 5:30 p.m. T'ai Chi Chih class began I was tired. But, not to worry, most of my students seemed tired too, so we simply rolled through our practice slowly and quietly.

I'd mentioned to several students prior to class that I tend to go into hibernation mode when the season changes, the days get shorter, and the darkness lasts longer. Everyone in the conversation responded with a nod of their heads so I gather that this is not unusual.

It appeared that we were all a bit more relaxed and energized by the end of our practice; that felt good since we all drove home in falling snow. I have one week of classes remaining in this session and then there's a mid-winter/holiday break until I begin teaching again the second week of January, 2012.

I'm ready for a teaching break and, I have to admit, right now I'm ready for sleep....

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