Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Chi-Full Brew

Today was absolutely lovely. So lovely, in fact, that traffic at the library was low to middling. Why go inside when you could be outside in the midst of all this loveliness?

The forecast shows today as the only full sun day for the next week or so with rain and clouds likely. Anyone with sense and/or any smidgen of time spent part (or all) of the day outside.

After a full day of work at the library I headed off to T'ai Chi Chih class in Washburn. What a wonderful way to end a busy day ... stirred into a cup of chi-full brew.

When one student thanked me for offering this weekly 45 minute practice of peacefulness, I responded that I receive benefits from this group practice too. It's a lot more fun than practicing with deer, dogs, cats, and geese, I said. And I meant that with all my heart.

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