Monday, May 30, 2011

Allowing Myself to Be

Today is a do nothing day and ohhh it feels so good. I seldom allow myself the freedom to really veg out but when I do, it's delightful.

I stayed in my pjs most of the day. And, both last night and this morning, I read and read and read. Evening and morning thunderstorms encouraged my take-it-easy attitude. An unremitting sore throat sealed the deal.

Last night we saw our first black bear of the season. Around 8:00 pm the dog started barking frantically. Frances stepped out on the deck and spotted the little guy (probably a yearling) close to the deck. By the time I arrived he'd moved further into the woods. The three of us simply stood observing each other. Then he was off and running. What a treat!

Tonight Frances invited guests for desert and a movie. Normally I'd be cleaning and cooking but not today. I'm on holiday. My most labor-intensive activity of the day was T'ai Chi Chih practice and that was slow and easy. It felt good to move. Lucy watched me on and off throughout my practice by peeking through the porch windows. Eventually the chicken emerged from beneath the deck, hopped to the cracked corn, and started to eat.

I'm so grateful for days like today when life is simple. No to dos, must haves, or get back to mes. Quiet, peaceful, and calm. Just allowing myself to be....

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