Thursday, March 3, 2011

Suffering ~ Happiness

Huh. I woke at 4:44 a.m. this morning. As I accessed the dashboard for this blog, I discovered that today's T'ai Chi Chih post is number 444. Synchronicity? Destiny? A message from the world beyond?

I write these questions with a smile on my face. Nevertheless, I notice things like this ... numbers that surface time after time (I can't count how often I've seen 11:11 on my kitchen, car, or office digital clock when I check the time).

This is an interesting day. On one front, my health improved significantly (quite likely) as a result of two hours of T'ai Chi Chih classes and practices last night. On the other hand, I'm aware that on the night I teach I don't sleep the full night through. I wake early and, even when I'm tired, I can't go back to sleep. One beginning student told me last night that following our first class session several weeks ago she was up until 1:00 a.m. So ... the energy is highly stimulating for some of us.

This morning's TCC class engaged in a wonderful group discussion about Buddha's Brain. This book is encouraging the lot of us to think about the ways we each get in our own way when it comes to letting go of suffering and, instead, choosing happiness. Luckily, for me, during and after most TCC practices I do feel happier. And, on the occasions when I don't feel an improvement in my mood, I do, at the very least, feel more balance and ease.

These feelings, though often short-lived, are incredibly necessary and important as my state (WI) as well as our society and the world go through major conflict and--hopefully--transformation. Along with all the protestors--including my partner, Frances--who've visited Madison these past two weeks I'm well aware that we live in tumultuous times.

It's my hope and wish that those of us who engage in meditative practices will infuse our personal worlds and the world at large with understanding and compassion. That's--at the very least--a start in the right direction.

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