Saturday, February 26, 2011

Two Practices are Better than One

Yeah, it's true: Early to bed, early to rise. I did my T'ai Chi Chih practice shortly after 7:00 am today. Yes, I practiced because I wanted to. But I also practiced because my throat feels sore and I'd like to use any preventive measures possible to escape Round 2 of this boxing match.

I talked with an area massage therapist yesterday who said she's on her second cold. She admitted up front that she hadn't been getting as much sleep lately. It's obvious, she said, that when self care slips, illness follows.

I know that I don't have the fortitude, energy, and immune system that others have due to living with diabetes and heart disease. Since I moved to the woods I've learned how wonderful it feels to take time to be quiet, listen to the sounds of nature, and submerge myself in peace. Still, I tend to push myself beyond my limits. (That's what everyone else does. Isn't that the unspoken expectation?)

Once I lose my health, though, I realize that even if others don't respect my limits, it's up to me to do so. I pushed myself all week. I'll slow down today and revisit my practice later in the afternoon. My motto? When you're feeling low, two practices are better than one.

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