Sunday, December 19, 2010

It's Magic

It's another gray day ... light gray versus dark gray. And that's a good thing because the light leaves me feeling upbeat and encouraged.

My morning TCC practice was uneventful and filled with silence. About halfway through a smile appeared on my face and I knew that the practice was working its magic. I have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and I know that my mood would brighten if I sat in front of a light box for 30 minutes per day. Instead I do my daily practice of TCC and that helps too.

When Frances and Namaste woke up, I heard frantic barking upstairs. Namaste had been in bed too long and, once awake, demanded stimulation and attention. I ignored him until my practice was complete and then joined in our morning routine.

Last evening on the way home from our errands Frances, Namaste, and I walked along the beach at Friendly Valley Road just as the sun dipped low in the sky. It was a magical time of day. We saw Madeline Island turn a beautiful shade of lavendar and sunlight reflect off house windows on the mainland-facing side of the island. Humps of ice lined the shore though the lake water was still an icy liquid. A swirl of water near the beach forecast the arrival of the Loch Ness monster even as we speculated that a sandbar lying directly below the watery surface was the true cause of the whirling twirl.

As we retraced our footsteps Frances said: I wonder why, when you look at pictures that show a beautiful scene like this, you never think about the cold. When you're walking in the scene, though, the beauty and the cold mingle....

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