Monday, October 25, 2010

Just Can't Stop

Another long day of rain today; weather forecasts indicate showers through the week. High winds (50 mph) are predicted for tomorrow and a potential for snow by Wednesday.

So what is the significance of this weather report? At the library we speculated that weather was the reason for our tremendously busy day. There were times when both of us on duty couldn't keep up with the numbers of people waiting to check out items; that says nothing of the volume of DVDs and books accumulating in piles for check in and reshelving.

I came home tired but feeling much better than I've felt over the previous three days. This, I decided, was the night for a short TCC practice. About ten minutes into my practice I felt my energy returning so I couldn't just s-t-o-p. I skipped a few movements but ended up going through the entire form.

Now it's time to settle in with a good book before my eyelids drop into an end of day closed position....

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