Thursday, October 7, 2010

Joyous Calm and Quiet (with a Rustle)

It's been a day of beauty and ... a day of rustling leaves. The weather continues to warm and shine magnificently each day. Now darkness has fallen and temps are cooling. The dog barks repetitively outside the door, warning off all unknown and unseen predators. And it's time to blog....

There were 10 students at my morning TCC class, two of whom also attended last night's TCC class in Washburn. Our circle practice felt wonderful and, at one point, I was on the verge of tears. The energy of stillness, silence, and peace, when it's shared with others who value and seek it, is a wonderful gift.

After my evening walk I returned to the deck for another short TCC practice in the midst of fleeting color. Over the past day many leaves have fallen from their treetop homes. Consequently I could hear Ander and Lucy as they shuffled to and fro through the brown, dried remnants gathering on the ground.

This week has been filled to the brim and my TCC practices have given me the energy, fortitude, and positive attitude to keep on moving. What a privilege to share this healing practice with others who benefit from and appreciate its joyous, calming, quieting effects.

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