Monday, July 19, 2010

We are the Earth

Another evening spent anticipating rain ... lately it's a daily occurrence. It is now dark and overcast, the air is heavy with humidity, and it is oh so quiet.
If you will think of ourselves as coming out of the earth, rather than having been thrown in here from somewhere else, you see that we are the earth, we are the consciousness of the earth. These are the eyes of the earth. And this is the voice of the earth.
     --The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell from The Mystic Vision (p. 109)
It's easy to feel myself of the earth when I live so closely connected to it. I watched a hummingbird sweeping up and down, up and down next to its feeder during my TCC practice. I felt the cooling breeze on my skin and heard the bird sounds emanating from the forest. Mother Earth/nature/the forest canopy calms me and brings me peace.

TCC practice flowed by quickly and smoothly. My back felt sore from picking raspberries and blueberries today so I promised myself that I'd end my day by lying on the Chi machine and relaxing into its gentle side-to-side movement. This day is soon done....

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