Friday, July 16, 2010

Slivers of Chi

A sliver of moon hung in the sky during my late afternoon TCC practice. It's milky shape stared at me out of the clear blue. Occasionally as I moved a welcome breeze shifted through the air while temperatures tilted downhill from their high in the low 80s.

Though I practiced outside on the deck--the breeze was strong enough to keep mosquitoes at bay--I turned up the music inside the house to add more relaxation and comfort to my practice. The only sounds were breezes stroking the trees and the watery call of dolphins in the musical background. Until, that is, Frances started the tractor and headed down the driveway to scrape our road back into smoothness after its sad episode of rut and gut from heavy rains.

I inserted three repetitions of Seijaku in the middle of my nine repeitions of each TCC movement. Some days it's easier to accomplish than others. Still, today when I placed mental focus on softening my legs as I shifted weight forward and back, side to side I noticed that I can, indeed, soften and relax the tension in my feet and legs. Yes, it feels good!

It's Friday evening and time to cook up a healthy, delicious dinner.

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