Friday, July 2, 2010


This hot summer day gleamed with sunshine. Early evening temperatures are now in the upper 70s after highs in the upper 80s. A pleasant breeze brushes through the leaves and across the undergrowth.

Even though we drove to Lake Superior yesterday to entice Lucy into the lake she still had blood on some of her feathers. This morning Frances built a swimming pool out of boards, sandbags, and a thick piece of plastic. Both geese eagerly climbed into the pool and floated, dipped their heads, flapped their wings, and began to groom. After exiting said pool Ander and Lucy groomed for hours.

Post-bath there is absolutely no blood left on Lucy's wing feathers which is good since yesterday flies were pursuing Lucy relentlessly. We do not want flies to lay eggs in Lucy's wounds; maggots are the disconcerting and disgusting outcome of such an event.

Frances and I take turns sitting outside to observe the geese as they wander, groom, graze, and socialize. As a result, I noticed a robin's nest atop a tree branch high above one of our parked cars. Now Frances and I can watch mom and dad Robin coming and going as they feed worms to their fledgling babies. I doubt I would have located the nest had I not slowed down and taken the time to watch the geese. What a treat!

My evening practice was warm but occasional puffs of breeze delivered relief from the heat. Other than one mosquito bite on the knuckle of one hand I emerged unscathed. In the meantime I enjoyed the flow as I moved forward and back on tired, sore feet. It's another beautiful day in the woods of Wisconsin.

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