Saturday, July 31, 2010

Geese Flap Their Wings

It's the Bayfield Arts Festival weekend. Downtown streets streamed with visitors when I visited town to shop at the Farmers' Market.

I bought some awesome bread and produce while I chatted with farmers and friends. Then I listened to a neighbor's story about a predatory black bear that chased him, his son, and their dog in two separate incidents. Tony owns property that borders the backside of our 25 acres. He speculated that these frightening encounters may be related to hunters who bait bear prior to the start of bear hunting season.

This afternoon we expect out of town guests so we're cooking, baking, and clearning like madwimmin. I practiced TCC in the yard mid-afternoon in the presence of our geese. During my first repetition of Bird Flaps Its Wings Ander joined in and flapped his own wings with gleeful abandon. Then both Ander and Lucy drew close and observed the rest of my practice.

I feel calm, rested, and well-prepared for our friends arrival....

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