Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sunshine and Shadow

There are few days more beautiful than this. Cool. Low humidity. Bright sunshine. A pleasant breeze. Right now Ander and Lucy are lying side-by-side in the grass and plantain on the west side of the house not far from the pond where Lucy was nabbed two days ago.

Frances and I are injecting antibiotics, pain, and anti-inflammatory meds into Lucy in the hope that the damage to her larynx and nerves will repair. There is uncertainty about the outcome and our major goal is to get enough nutrition into Lucy to aid her process of healing and regeneration.

Now is the time when a T'ai Chih Chi practice is not only helpful but also vitally important. Stress, doubt, and fear have the potential to exhaust the toughest body, mind, and spirit. A TCC practice can re-energize and restore the self as well as create a positive, upbeat attitude. I certainly discovered this yesterday after my walk and TCC practice on the beach. My energy was much more vibrant after that lakeshore respite.

Today's TCC deck practice in sunshine and shadow was relaxing, pleasant, and peace-filled. I'm glad that I've started to include Seijaku in my practice (small bits at a time) and I find myself relaxing into the Seijaku portion of my practice more with each passing day.

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