Sunday, June 13, 2010

If Only for a Moment....

Lest I continue to sound too repetitive let me note that today's weather included a rise in temperature to 60 degrees. Right now, mid-evening, it is 54. The day was cloud-filled and dark-skied.

I performed today's TCC practice along with Suni, Vic, Connie, and Rhonda. Initially I began Justin Stone's DVD with the intention of reviewing Justin's comments and instruction. Instead I jumped into the group practice; I'll review Justin's instructions after writing this blog.

Oh, it was fun to practice with my group of TCC teachers. I found myself smiling frequently during the practice as I joined my energy with the energy of the videotaped practitioners. Yes, I miss my students when we're between class sessions. Private practice is inspiring; group practice is exceptional!

I read Sr. Antonia's June 2010 T'ai Chi Chih newsletter today. She wrote about ESSENCE as it pertains to the practice of TCC. Sister explained that the simple movements of TCC practice can offer us the opportunity to obtain essential essence. Her definition of essence stretched beyond the accumulation of things to the search for a deeper reality.

TCC, Sr. Antonia posits, can be a route toward experiencing this ESSENCE as we become acquainted with the presence of the present. She cautioned: Essence of itself cannot be experienced for long because our beings are not able to contain it ... it is too overwhelming and we may burst.

Still, human beings often long to find meaning in life that is beyond the ordinary rituals of day-to-day living. Without knowing or understanding why we continually search for our fundamental nature, the basic or indispensable element or thing that defines who we are. As we become more familiar with and at home in our T'ai Chi Chih practices, we let loose of our egos and allow TCC to do TCC. It is then that we can "be in the Essence," if only for a moment.

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