Sunday, May 9, 2010

Busyness Dispelled

Today was a busy day filled with unimportant things. It was only when I began my t'ai chi chih practice late in the day that I realized how lost I was in the doings of my life. For a few brief moments near the end of my practice none of my busyness mattered. All that remained was this moment. Now.

It didn't happen instantly, of course. Half of my practice was spent in quieting my mind and body, gradually calming, slowing, listening, be-ing....

I spent much of my day cleaning and organizing my house for an expected visit with a friend tomorrow night. Yes, it felt good to bring more light into my home due to newly cleaned windows. Yes, it also felt good to tame some of the dust and dirt, to sort through and file some of the piles of papers that covered my dining room table and spread across my office floor.

But did all of my efforts to clean, clear, and sort truly matter in the end? No. What really mattered--the moment of greatest import--came near the end of my TCC practice when my body and mind quieted down enough to release myself into the moment. Free and clear. Nothing to do. Nowhere to go. No thing.

What a relief. Sigh. To finally find my self after being lost in a day filled with so many things that mattered little.

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