Monday, December 7, 2009

Attention ... Intention

Tiny, light snowflakes float through the the air this morning. Drifting ... sinking.

Part of my inspiration for this blog came from a friend. She mentioned a year or more ago that she read a daily blog written by a woman who described her bike trips to and from work. "I don't know what's so captivating about it," she admitted, "but I'm fascinated. I read it every single day."

That comment likely planted the first seed of intention for this daily t'ai chi chih practice blog. It also asked me to think about the importance of intention and attention in everything I do. If a woman riding a bicycle can find significant moments in every single ride she takes, then I can certainly find some thing(s) of value to share from a regular t'ai chi chih practice.

Interestingly, when I know that after my practice I'll sit down to write, I devote a deeper level of attention to each moment. My body and mind open. I listen more deeply. I feel more strongly. I see with clearer eyes what is unfolding in the world around me AND within me. I search for words to describe it.

Today, and every day of my practice, I drink in the beauty of my home in the woods and am nourished by it. This appreciation and gratitude comes from my attention to what is right here, right now.

My intention to maintain a daily TCC practice and to write about it daily brings me gifts as well. Already I feel that my energy is stronger, my direction clearer, my mind and body, calmer.

And the snowflakes continue to drift and fall....

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